Exploration of spirituality, relationships, gender, orientation, politics, with alot of humor...basically whatever I feel like writing about.

Monday, June 9

way of the cross: station #2

This is Station #2

Betrayal & the Writings of the Prophets Fulfilled

Many of us know the story. Judas tips off the authorities who want Jesus arrested. A large armed crowd descends upon the path to the garden. Judas, who Jesus called “my friend”, audaciously uses a kiss to identify Jesus to the authorities on that dark night.

Jesus is seized. One of the disciples—it’s not clear which one—tries to defend Jesus and ends up cutting someone’s ear off with his sword. Jesus looks at him and says, “Do you think I cannot call on my Father?”

It was chaos and actions were desperate and hasty.

In the end, all his friends had fled the scene of his arrest…

Study the painting “Taking of Christ” by Caravaggio below:

In the chaos of that night, among that crowd of friends, betrayers, authorities, soldiers—Do you identify with any of these people present at Jesus’ arrest? Do you see yourself in the painting? Do you see yourself in any of the paintings here? Where do you stand?

Jesus said to all those present that night:
Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen this way?” Mt 26:53-54

Now pray:
I have been one of these. I have betrayed Jesus. I have betrayed those I love. I can identify with all those present that night you were arrested. Thank you for fulfilling the Scriptures that prophesied the sacrifice you would make for me. Thank you for your forgiveness.
The art:
1) Unknown
2) (L) Unknown
3) (R) Kiss of Judas, Giusto
4) The Capture of Christ (detail), Cimabue (Fresco)
5) The Arrest of Christ (Kiss of Judas), Giotto di Bondone
6) The Capture, Gothic sculptor, German (cathedral, Naumburg)
7) Anonymous, 12th Century
8) Relief, Ghiberti
9) Taking of Christ, Caravaggio

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